Otilia Françoso
Aquatic Psychotherapist, started her training in individual therapeutic sessions in 2022 with Bárbara Nakamoto - SP, Raisa Chapinotti - MG, Panmella Ribeiro – MG, Antônio Maria - SP, Omer Shenar - Israel, Seba Tutt - ARG, Lali Matcheki - ARG, Coky del Rio-ARG, Dhas Aguas - ARG, and Vale Mantel - ARG. She certified in the 1st module as a Jahara Aquatic Therapy Specialist, and in levels 1 and 2 of Float Therapy. She participated in the aquatic immersion Habitat with Sasha Bezrodnova (Russia). She provides Float Therapy sessions in São Paulo and open waters throughout Brazil.
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